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Leadership programs, management strategies and training

We are here for the managers!

We help managers optimize their teams from connection. In this way, our leadership strategies pave the way for results and growth. Together, we build the bridge between strategic goals and the people who make them happen. Our mission? To leave behind a successful organization that is able to get the best out of itself and others under all circumstances.

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Eric van der Zwan Leadership Strategist Founder OREQ

Welcome to OREQ!

I am proud of OREQ and its thought leadership! Time after time we have been able to stay true to the strength of the people we accompany. Connected, we openly and honestly make room for what they really bring to the table. Together we deal with old obstacles and get out what is inside. The system in which they work is the status quo that determines the first step. In this way, we unfold a strategy that is directly applicable in practice. It gives our leaders the compass and skills to build on regardless of the circumstances. That resonates with many and tastes like more. Now is the time to continue to tell that story, and be meaningful to many.

What we do

Get out what's in it!

Our primary focus is on mentoring leaders, managers and directors. Based on powerful interventions, we seek the path to strategic development that delivers results and growth. From there, we help create momentum and support to get boards and engaged teams moving. That’s what we come to bring. The commitment of our processes focuses on customization, but not endless guidance. We work towards self-reliance of leaders and organizations as quickly as possible. This is always customized based on current ambitions and challenges.

In short:

  • Quick and effective core analysis in two sessions
  • Tools that leaders can immediately implement themselves
  • Roadmap with milestones, incl. strategy for further development
  • Effective stakeholder approach based on drivers and obstacles
  • Short- and medium-term implementation strategy
  • Performance optimizations that show results from day 1
Leadership programs, management strategies and training
Are you ready for the next jump?
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How we work

Connection, deepening and results

Standardized modules with slide decks is not what we come to bring. The deployment of our pathways always begins and ends with the actual situation on the ground. Our focus gives visibility to a solution direction that delivers results from day one. We align ambitions with the driving force of leaders and teams. In this, clear expectations are essential in everything we do. We are realistic about the impact of history, culture and barriers, and we take a concrete approach. It is fascinating to see how growth occurs when people dare to stand for who they are and what they come to bring.

The key to success is often difficult to measure. Everything that lives below the water table has a big impact on results. Growth occurs when people dare to stand up for who they are and what they come to bring. The success factors of our leadership programs:

  • Effective decision-making with long-term impact
  • Increased control over MTs and teams
  • Strategic growth obv strong performance model

The synergy created when people, processes and goals are aligned surpasses any obstacle. A force is released that makes organizations perform beyond expectations. It creates a workplace where professionals have the space to add value for a long time. While this may seem soft, it always translates into hard numbers.

“The things we can accomplish when we truly connect go beyond any imaginable success. We’ll show you what that can mean for you…”

Our philosophy

What we believe in

We believe in the power of a team that has the space to perform at its best. Results and success only really occur when everything comes together. The vision, the leadership and an invincible team that is in top shape. Everyone who gets to work in the morning will need to know and feel how to contribute to the grand mission. Only then will a synergy be released that brings focus to solutions. Every organization is capable of overcoming its obstacles! It requires leaders to deal differently with control mechanisms and proactively engage in optimal agility to achieve strategic goals.

We believe that everything alive in an organization, expressed or not, can serve the higher purpose. From acceptance, the next step can be taken toward growth. The added value of people must be synchronized with the goals set and the challenges to be overcome. Everyone can contribute to this, consciously or unconsciously. Our mission is accomplished when the way is clear for our professionals to realize their ultimate potential.

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